Eerily Happy... This is how I felt wandering around Musee Mecanique at Pier 45. It's an amazing place packed with American nostalgia. Clowns, fortune tellers, wizards, arcade and mechanical music machines breathe a life of their own into this oversized shed.
Oh Look a Cute Clown - Rather Spooky
Row after row of coin operated antique machines.. up to .25 or .50 a play. A child's heaven. Lining up my shiny quarter in the slot... hearing that click of the metal arm and the clink of the coin is a most satisfying experience. From Pole Position to a Proximiscope from the 1880's, I long for a simpler point in time. These machines are handcrafted, one-of-a-kind. Made by men who dreamed of bringing entertainment to others. It's hard to see the profit scheme here. The love put behind each detail can't be found in the aisles of ToysRus. Unlike an iPhone ap, these games actually make me smile.
Diorama - I fell in love with these slices of American life, gone by.
The wizard reveals a fortune |
Proximiscope from the 1880's - Persistence of Vision.... a favorite toy gimmick |
Execution - The Arcade Game |
Opium Den - Another favorite- I'm twisted, I know. |
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